Show Affiliations

Thank you for your support by affiliating your show to the Irish Pony Society. By providing a schedule of pony classes compliant with IPS Class Specifications your show provides our members with an important platform on which to promote our ponies and by competing, our riders and exhibitors gain much experience and enjoyment. Members of the Irish Pony Society are expected to obey the rules of the Society regarding eligibility of pony and rider, and a code of ethics regarding respect towards all show officials and towards fellow competitors, thus any breaches may be reported to the Society rather than the over-busy Show Secretary being left to deal with complaints unassisted. Our fully paid-up members are covered by IPS insurance at all times while attending your show, whether in the show ring or on the grounds, as are our Judges. A current list of IPS Judges is compiled each year, and we would appreciate it if you selected someone from this list rather one that has been on a file from previous years, likewise the class specifications change from time to time and need to be accurate on your Schedule of Classes. The IPS runs a points system which not only record the status of ponies eligible for classes confined to novice ponies, but also rewards members at the end of the season by awarding rosettes to those ponies and riders accruing the highest number of points over the season at shows affiliated to the IPS. This is a very popular event and encourages the owner to support as many Affiliated Shows as is feasible. Thus your affiliation to the IPS has advantages to your Show as well as advantages to our competitors, and we hope you will continue your support into the future, as will our members look forward to attending and supporting your Show.

To affiliate your show for the coming season, please log onto and complete an Application for Affiliation Form alternatively download an Affiliation Application Form complete and return to   As stated on the affiliation form, your current schedule and entry form may be emailed to the office so that this can be posted on our website along with the details of your show – which allows for our members to download directly, rather than contacting you.

Affiliation Payment –

Current Affiliation Form
Current IPS Panel of Judges booklet will be forwarded to all Affiliated shows and under current GDPR leglislation will not be published

Class Specifications
Results Sheets
Judges Claim Form

All affiliation applications must include details of insurance and will not be accepted otherwise. Please confirm that all IPS classes at your show are adequately covered by Insurance and advise the IPS of the Name of your Insurers, Policy Number and Policy Expiry date.

On receipt of the Form and approval by the IPS Council, an Affiliation will be sent to your show secretary, and Working Hunter mark sheets posted upon request.

Please ensure that you engage Judges from the IPS Panel Only and if possible please use a listed course-builder.

Please note that all stallions entered to compete in IPS classes must have Stallion Permission as insurance will be null and void should an incident occur involving a stallion that did not receive permission from the IPS Council.  A disc will be issued to owners of stallions that have received permission and should be displayed on the bridle at all times when competing. Please note that Stallion Permissions will be listed on the Irish Pony Society website. Permissions – Irish Pony Society (   This list will include the animal name and owner.

After your show, please return all show results as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after the show date.   These can be sent to the IPS Office by post or by email to

In the interest of safety, please ensure that you provide adequate warm-up rings at your show.