Mrs Philippa Mansergh Wallace
087 252 5524

Mr Clive Johnston
IPS Chairman
+44 7967 494318

Ms Amanda Torrens
Vice Chairman
087 813 0399

Ms Gladys Graham
087 151 0005

Mrs Mary Carter
086 832 2060

Mrs Dorothy Guilford
087 248 6959

Mrs Elizabeth Wentges
087 133 5380

Mrs Hayley Patterson
+44 7713 885768

Ms Emily Widger
087 410 5247

Mr Thomas Conlon
086 366 4154

Mr John Dunne
087 618 6351

Mr Vincent Holian
087 955 7739

Mrs Aoife O’Connor
087 945 6789

For information/queries regarding any of the Committees below, please contact the relevant Chairman.
President : Philippa Mansergh Wallace 087 2525524
Chairman : Clive Johnston +44 7967 494318
Vice Chairman : Amanda Torrens 086 8130399
Hon Secretary & Finance : Gladys Graham 087 1510005
Show Committee : Hayley Patterson +44 7713 885768
Breeding : Mary Carter 086 8322060
Showing : Amanda Torrens 086 8130399
Working Hunter : Dorothy Guilford 087 2486959workinghunterips@gmail.com
Horse : Vincent Holian 087 9557739
Judges : Clive Johnston 07967 49438 ipsjudges@gmail.com
Child Protection Officers : John Dunne 087 618 6351 & Aoife O’Connor 087 9456789
Public Relations : Office 045- 854513 info@irishponysociety.ie
Insurance : Amanda Torrens 086 813 0399
Affiliations : Vincent Holian 087 955 7739
Points Secretary : Office 045- 854513 ipspoints@gmail.com
Rules: Aoife O’Connor 087 945 6789
Chairman of Chairmen : Philippa Mansergh Wallace 087 2525524
Health & Safety, Child & Pony Welfare : John Dunne 087 618 6351 & Thomas Conlan 086 366 4154
Disciplinary : Thomas Conlon 086 366 4154
New Member Contact : Amanda Torrens 087 813 0399
Entertainment : Emily Widger 087 4105247
Grants: Thomas Conlon 086 366 4154 & John Dunne 087 618 6351
Training: Aoife O’Connor 087 945 6789